melbourne finance

Access finance to pay insurance premiums and save.

Access finance to pay insurance premiums and save.

Fact: Lumpy insurance premiums slow down cash flow.

Also fact: Pay lump sum of Premium for WorkCover by August 6, 2018 and you can save yourself thousands.

How can I ease the stress of capital-draining premium lump sums?

By financing insurance premiums using Insurance Premium Funding you’ll ease cash flow, and being able to access the full payment discounts you’ll actually save in the long run.

Let’s talk about Insurance Premium Funding…

Millennials are looking for greener pastures, bigger homes and some home loan guidance, report says.

Millennials are looking for greener pastures, bigger homes and some home loan guidance, report says.

Australian millenials are ready to buy and are on the hunt for larger, suburban properties for their first home purchase, a report commissioned by ING reveals.

ING’s new Millennial Homeownership Report revealed;

·      57% of Australians aged between 22-37 years old are cutting back on indulgent dinners, travel, and even weddings to save for a home deposit.  

·      38% of those surveyed are ready to purchase in the next 3 years.

·      61% are happy to live a little out of the city, in un-established, ‘less cool’ areas

·      88% of millennials want to own a home to give them a sense of security about the future

So what’s stopping them?

Insider Tax Tips From A Pro...

Insider Tax Tips From A Pro...

It’s that time again!

The financial year is closing in, and we know that means panic for some. But instead of drowning yourself in red wine and chocolate and hiding until July 1, we have an easier solution…

TMFG spoke with Chartered Accountant Jon Madgwick, from J D Madgwick in South Melbourne and asked him to share his, tax tips.

You’re welcome!

At just 24 years of age, Anne has her financial future in the bag.

At just 24 years of age, Anne has her financial future in the bag.


 Anne, new home owner.

One week before her mortgage settled Anne purchased a Chanel handbag. Not willing to divulge how much she spent on it, Anne believes it was a wise investment. And why shouldn’t a 24 year old who’s spent years studying and now has a well-paying, secure fulltime job buy her self a handbag?

First home loan was smooth sailing for this first mate, thanks to TMFG!

First home loan was smooth sailing for this first mate, thanks to TMFG!

Similar to a good sailor, a good investor gets to know the climate, the conditions, and plots their course wisely before embarking on any big venture.

Buying your first home is one of the biggest ventures in most investor’s lives.

Meet Ashley, skilled sailor, and now, with some thanks to TMFG, skilled investor, and home owner.